Our Code of Conduct
General Expectations
Every student must conduct himself or herself well to uphold the good name of the school.
Our Behavior
To be kind, honest and gracious to everyone
To respect our teachers, elders and friends
To care for our school community and property
All students are expected to demonstrate exemplary behaviour by observing the school rules.
Misbehaviour will not be tolerated and will be dealt with accordingly.
For serious offences, disciplinary action will be taken.
Students are not allowed to have any weapons in their possession. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like items which can be used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
Students are not allowed to bring games/toys/cards to school.
Guidelines for Mobile Phones / Smartwatches
Students are not to use smartphones and/or smartwatches (except for POSB smartwatches) during school hours including recess, CCA and after-school programmes.
Students who bring such devices are to put them in their school bags before they enter school. They can retrieve the devices after they leave school. Students should bear responsibility for safekeeping of devices.
In the event when a student brings a mobile phone and loses it in school, the school reserves the right not to conduct a search for the lost mobile phone.
Custody of the mobile phone is the sole responsibility of the student. The school is not liable for any damage or loss of the mobile phones.
Students are strongly discouraged to bring electronic gadgets (e.g. tablets, electronic games).
Students are not allowed to bring any form of card games to school.
Attendance and Punctuality
Students are to report to school punctually by 7.30 a.m. Students are to report to classroom/hall by 7.25 a.m. A valid medical certificate must be submitted to the form teacher if a student is absent.
Students will be issued a warning if he/she is repeatedly late. Disciplinary action will be taken against repeat offenders. It will also have an impact on the studentβs conduct rating.
School Assembly
Students who are Singapore Citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students will take the Pledge with the right fist over the heart.
Recess/After School programmes
Students are to assemble and be seated quietly when the designated recess bell rings while waiting to be dismissed from the canteen / parade square.
Students are not allowed to loiter along classroom corridors during recess.
Illness, Absence from School and Procedure for early dismissal
Attendance is compulsory for all students on school days. No student should leave for holidays before the term ends.
A student should not be absent from school for a long period without any medical reason. In the event of an emergency, permission must be sought from the school leaders. Permission would be granted on a case-by-case basis as assessment dates would be taken into consideration.
If a student is absent, a medical certificate must be submitted to the form teacher the day when the child returns to school.
Parents / Guardians who wish to take their child home early must obtain permission from the school leaders. A sick child is not allowed to go home on his/her own. An adult member of the family must accompany him/her.
Students are not allowed to leave the school during school hours.
Students are not to skip classes or play truant.
School Attire
Be a proud West Springer! Be neat and properly attired.
School Uniform

Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
Name tag should be placed above the school logo.

Students are not allowed to wear coloured or patterned T-shirt or vest under their school attire. Only plain white T-shirt is allowed.
Students are allowed to wear only black shoes without any designs.
Only plain white socks with school logo are allowed.
Socks must be at least two fingers above the ankle.
Hair and Personal Hygiene
Nails should be kept short and clean.
Nails are not to be painted.
Hair should not be coloured or dyed.
Hair gel, wax or cream are to be used only to keep the hair neat and not for styling purposes.

Hair must be kept short and neat at all times. It should not touch the ears, eyebrows and the collar.
Male students must be clean-shaven and neat in appearance.
Stylish haircuts are not allowed, for example, sides are shaved close to the head but top is kept long or layered.
The length of the hair must be the same throughout.

Hair must be kept neat at all times.
Longer hair should be tied up.
Fringe must be neatly pinned up.
Use of Accessories
Hair accessories should be in black only.
Students are not allowed to wear jewellery or accessories such as chains, rings, bracelets, arm/ankle bands.
Girls are allowed to wear small and simple ear studs only and boys are not allowed to wear any ear studs. Fanciful/ valuable ear studs are not allowed.
Make-up, henna or other forms of face painting, marks or tattoos are not allowed.