MOE Sexuality Education in Schools
Sexuality Education (SEd) in schools aims to enable students to understand the physiological, social and emotional changes they experience as they mature, develop healthy and rewarding relationships with others, including those with members of the opposite sex, and make wise, informed and responsible decisions on sexuality matters. SEd is premised on the importance of the family as the basic unit of society. This means encouraging healthy, heterosexual marriages and stable nuclear family units with extended family support. The teaching and learning of SEd is based on respect for the values and beliefs of the different ethnic and religious communities in Singapore on sexuality issues.
The Goals of Sexuality Education are:
(a) Support students in managing their physiological, social and emotional changes as they grow up and develop safe and healthy relationships.
(b) Guide students to make wise, informed and responsible decisions on sexuality matters.
(c) Help students develop a moral compass and respect for themselves and others by having positive mainstream values and attitudes about sexuality that are premised on the family as the basic unit of society.
The Key Messages of Sexuality Education are:
(a) Love and respect yourself as you love and respect others;
(b) Build positive relationships based on love and respect (which are the foundation for strong families);
(c) Make responsible decisions for yourself, your family and society; and
(d) Abstinence before marriage is the best protection against STIs/HIV and unintended pregnancies. Casual sex can harm and hurt you and your loved ones.
You may click here for more information on MOE Sexuality Education.
4. Sexuality Education is delivered in a holistic manner through the school
curriculum. The content for Sexuality Education is grouped into five main
themes: Human Development, Interpersonal Relationships, Sexual Health,
Sexual Behaviour, and, Culture, Society and Law. You may click here for
more information on the scope of Sexuality Education in the school curriculum.
5. The subjects that incorporate topics on sexuality include:
a. Science
b. Character and Citizenship Education (CCE)
Sexuality Education Lessons:
6. The upper primary years mark the onset of puberty. With better nutrition
and improved health care, children are reaching puberty at a younger age
and have to grapple with physical, emotional and psychological changes
in themselves. The implication is that our children are becoming biologically
ready for sexual activity sooner without necessarily having the corresponding
cognitive or emotional maturity to modulate their behaviours. Furthermore,
our young are also exposed to a wide range of influences that could endanger
health and undermine the integrity of the family. Our students require
guidance so that they can respond with discernment to the sexual messages
in the media and other sources.
7. Sexuality Education (SEd) lessons are taught as part of CCE (FTGP)
at Primary 5 and 6. In SEd, students learn to understand the physiological,
social and emotional changes they experience as they mature, develop healthy
and rewarding relationships including those with members of the opposite
sex, and make wise, informed and responsible decisions on sexuality matters.
At West Spring Primary School, the following Sexuality Education lessons will be taught in 2025

8. Parents may opt their children out of Sexuality Education lessons,
and/or supplementary Sexuality Education programmes by MOE-approved external
9. Parents who wish to opt their children out of the Sexuality Education
lessons need to complete an opt-out form. This form will be distributed
to parents at the start of the year and is also downloadable hereThe
completed opt-out form is to be submitted by 1 April 2025.
10. Parents can contact the school at for
discussion or to seek clarification about the schoolβs Sexuality Education